Saturday, February 18, 2012

Yellow vs Honor Blueprints

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Yellow blueprints: Easy to find. Not a big difference in critically crafted regular prints compared to honor prints. They come with seven mod slots total. Prints can be traded.

Honor blueprints: Earned by fighting in Warzones and collecting honor points to spend in honor shop. Best critical shield in game. They come with nine total mod slots. Prints can be traded.

Which one holds the most potential?

Ship parts (cockpit, hull, engine): Since armor points are on a diminishing scale the difference between seven and nine mod slots is a paltry 2%. If you modded all parts to one armor type max yellow would be 97% damage reduction, while a honor would be 99% damage reduction. The slight edge goes to yellow ship parts due to the ease of gathering prints.

Shields: As I mentioned above honor shields are the best. My reasons are a critical level 5 yellow has about 820 shield energy, where honor level 5 has 1050 shield energy. That is close to a 25% gain in strength. I don't recommend modding shield for armor points, and just focus on increasing the shields energy. Also unlike armor mods, shield energy mods increase on a straight-line. This is where the additional two mod slots on a honor print counts.

Weapons: The difference between critical weapons are very small in regards to each print. Like shields, weapons also benefit from the straight-line increase of each mod. So more mod slots, more damage you can squeeze out of an item. Honor prints win here.

What about blue and purple blueprints?

Blue weapon prints: Raid reward, only have three total mod slots, come in the 15, 25, 35 level variety. Not a big fan, but if they are the only reward you are given take ones you are able to craft. Prints cannot be traded.

Purple ship part prints: Raid reward, have special abilities, only have three total mod slots, come in the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 level variety. Always take these as your reward.  Prints cannot be traded.

In closing leave comments below, I'm interested in seeing how you all feel about blueprints.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

1000 Views & some updates

Hit the 1000 views milestone. Hip Hop Hooray!

Finally updating blog after a crazy month of January. I haven't been the most active Commander, but I do try to check-in when possible.

We are still a very active clan on the Altair server. Growing as a clan and doing big things!

Jugernaut69 is on a recruiting binge and looking into getting a Ventrilo server up for the clan.

A couple of patches have come and gone. Notable fixes are the raid loop, missile launcher, and npc info glitches.